Last day of this year, 2008

Hey my dear friends,

How are you? How was your Christmas and all the long holidays? For me the Christmas was oke, though always they seem to be too short ;) .. i mean holidays ;) I spent it in Pärnu with my mom and brother and my friends Aire and Vallo afterwards. So the holidays were farely long :)
Now im in Tallinn for some time and working as always, also today on 31Dec till 1400hrs. I have had two clients till now (its 1000hrs) but im sure after 1200hrs there will be more clients in shop :)

For this evening i dont have so much plans, just making something nice to eat (chicken ;)) and drink champane when the time is right and the new year knockes on the door :P lol Thought to make also a last cake, .. why last cake, because from new year i start my full diet and training program... there starts my contest preparation again.
.. and more about today, at 2400hrs go out to see fireworks .. cant wait :) Hope the weather and sky is clear for that :)

Ok.. i let you go now and please take a good care, enjoy the last day of this year and i wish you the greatest New Year 2009 :) .. lots of success and accomplishments :)

God Bless you and stay happy!
Your Gerbel


  1. Kallis Gerbel,

    soovin Sulle head vana aasta lõppu ja kordaminekuid uuel aastal. Et seatud eesmärgid ja soovid ikka täide läheksid :)


  2. Oii tere Jackie :)

    .. tänud ja Sullegi kõikse kõige paremat uueks aastaks.. ole ikka sama kallis edasi :)
    ...kohtumiseni järgmisel aastal, siis teeme ka jälle trenni koos :)
    Gerbel :)

  3. Hi Gerbie,

    Great to hear you had a nice holiday spending time with yur loved ones:)I hope now that your body has had time to recupurate and that now your feeling fresh to making a new start in the gym tomorrow. I guess at this time of the year you shouldn't be too hard on yourself with your diet as i am sure you look as nice as ever:)

    May god bless and protect you and support you with all your goals and endeavours for this New Year. May it bring you lots of happiness and good health too:)

    With warmest greetings,



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