Sunday's updates :)
Hey my dear friends, I had a taff week behind me, i can tell you, made twice a day training and worked 6 days in a row this week. Though i had also few other nice activities, met with few friends and interesting people in shop. :) Rhys, the British personal trainer, dropped by (who writing comments here a lot ;)). He has lots of friends who live in Estonia and he visiting Estonia pretty often, so we had small chat in shop and today we spend some time in old town, actually he came with me to church (Cathedral of the St. Peter and Paul (Vene street 18, Tallinn) ) and then we had nice lunch afterwards. The mess was great, Mgr Philippe Jourdan did the mess, Parish priest Fr Alfonso Di Giovanni was there as well, with who Rhys had met previously in some nice event. So, i think Rhys liked the mess and doesnt have any regrets that he came along. Thanks Rhys for your friendship, by the way. :) Then, dropped by from shop, one world famous powerlifter, stongest man, Mika Kerman ( link ) with ...