Leg day and thanks for making my day :)
Hey hey,
Thank you James for so nice message to my last blog, it was a great surprise to get it and of course i havent forgotten you, hope your training goes well also?! :) .. im glad you finally took a chance to write here and you are always welcome to do so :)
And ... Rhys.. thanks also, you are a really a great friend. How are your plans for upcoming month, are you going to visit Tallinn? :)
You guys made my day!! Its lovely to have nice people around :)
About my training today, i just have to chair it with you :) .. i had leg day today after work, so i started with squats and it was so positive day (perhaps there were these messages i got from James and Rhys or it was the sunny weather, but i felt really good) and i finalized my squats with 110 kg x 4 reps. So, it looked like following: 62,5kg x 15 reps, 72,5kg x 10 reps, 82,5kg x 8 reps, 92,5kg x 7 reps, 102,5kg x 5 reps, 110 kg x 4 reps. :)
After that i did leg presses, went up to 270kg x 6 reps and then did supersets decreasing weight by 20kg and finished it with 150kg x 20 reps. My legs burned after all of that ;) .. though it was great. After that i did leg curls, calfs and abs as well. .. and of course finalized my workout with interval bike for 15 min.
So now you know how did today. It was kinda happy day.. even i was so tired in the morning as i got less sleep as usually due to updating my website in the late evening/night :) ...yeah. :)
Now its also almost eleven and i need to get ready for bed :) ... tomorrow is another long day, starts at 0630 with morning exercises, breakfast, walking ~1 hour to work, work, walking back home in the evening, take my gym gear and go to gym, and then its time to get to sleep again.
Tomorrow i plan to do a chest and bics.
Hope to have still some time to update my blog and website more frequently. Just need to take time for that. :) .. but thanks for understanding that its hard to find time :)
Oke, i think i should do go now.. God bless!
My very best,
God of Hope, Your love makes possible the impossible. When we are facing seemingly impossible situations, remind us of your love and the possibilities it proclaims. Amen.
Thank you James for so nice message to my last blog, it was a great surprise to get it and of course i havent forgotten you, hope your training goes well also?! :) .. im glad you finally took a chance to write here and you are always welcome to do so :)
And ... Rhys.. thanks also, you are a really a great friend. How are your plans for upcoming month, are you going to visit Tallinn? :)
You guys made my day!! Its lovely to have nice people around :)
About my training today, i just have to chair it with you :) .. i had leg day today after work, so i started with squats and it was so positive day (perhaps there were these messages i got from James and Rhys or it was the sunny weather, but i felt really good) and i finalized my squats with 110 kg x 4 reps. So, it looked like following: 62,5kg x 15 reps, 72,5kg x 10 reps, 82,5kg x 8 reps, 92,5kg x 7 reps, 102,5kg x 5 reps, 110 kg x 4 reps. :)
After that i did leg presses, went up to 270kg x 6 reps and then did supersets decreasing weight by 20kg and finished it with 150kg x 20 reps. My legs burned after all of that ;) .. though it was great. After that i did leg curls, calfs and abs as well. .. and of course finalized my workout with interval bike for 15 min.
So now you know how did today. It was kinda happy day.. even i was so tired in the morning as i got less sleep as usually due to updating my website in the late evening/night :) ...yeah. :)
Now its also almost eleven and i need to get ready for bed :) ... tomorrow is another long day, starts at 0630 with morning exercises, breakfast, walking ~1 hour to work, work, walking back home in the evening, take my gym gear and go to gym, and then its time to get to sleep again.
Tomorrow i plan to do a chest and bics.
Hope to have still some time to update my blog and website more frequently. Just need to take time for that. :) .. but thanks for understanding that its hard to find time :)
Oke, i think i should do go now.. God bless!
My very best,
God of Hope, Your love makes possible the impossible. When we are facing seemingly impossible situations, remind us of your love and the possibilities it proclaims. Amen.
Nice to read about your doings again :) Wish you all the best with your preparations for the competitions and a full time job. You can do it!
ReplyDeleteHei Jackie,
ReplyDeleteThx :)
Tänan, et kirjutasid :) nii hea on teada, et mu blogi ka loetakse :) .. muide Sinuga oli täna väga meeldiv läbi Fitness.ee SHOUTBOXi suhelda :)
Kui nüüd päris aus olla, siis on Sinu blog mul lausa Favorites'i alla pandud ja klikkan sellel kui mitte iga päev, siis üle päeva kindlasti, et Sinu uutest ja huvitavatest tegemistest lugeda :)
ReplyDeleteHey Jackie,
ReplyDelete...Wow.. nüüd panid mind punastama ;) .. väga kena kuulda :)
Millal Sa tavaliselt Kimberi Klubis käid, mõtlen ajaliselt?! Kas vahest ka nädala vahetustel satud, sest oktoobri keskel kui jälle Pärnu tulen siis kindlasti seal ka 12.okt, pühapäeval ühe trenni teen :) ..tavaliselt kuskil 1200-1500 vahel. :)
Päikest jätkuvalt, väljas on nii ilusad ilmad :)
Ise käin tavaliselt hommikuti enne tööd (ehk siis alates 7:30) trennis. Ja tavaliselt E, K ja R. Hetkel trenni ei tee, sest tõbine, kui veab, siis järgmisest nädalast uuesti. Aga 12 okt. peaks kah end siis saali rihtima selleks ajaks vist :)
ReplyDeleteHommik, aga võiksid küll jah rihtida.. oleks kena näha ja pisut koos trenni teha :)
ReplyDeletePeatse kohtumiseni :)
:) kommentaaride kaudu on ka tore suhelda :)))))
ReplyDeleteAga ... Gerbel ... sel pühapäeval oled Tallinnas? Onju onju onju ...
Tuleks külla :)
Muide ... mul ei ole ikka veel su visiitkaarti!!!! :)
Hei Teele.. tahad külla tulla ja visiitkaarti?! ;).. tegelikult miks mitte, aga seda ikkagi õhtu poole eks :)
ReplyDeleteKallan, Gerbel