New year 2014


How are you all doing?
We are doing so fine :)
New Year stared up nicely and next week it will be back to normal life, meaning Lexie to school, Guy to work and i also start with my normal routine, training, work, diet lol ;) .. so to say we go back to our daily lifes.

This week we went to skating in Gent again and it was over all Lexie's 6th time (2 times when she just was going to be 2 years old and now 4 times on this season when she just will get 3 years old).
By the way she gets 3 on 12 January, time flyes :)

Sorry guys, but we are here kinda very proud that she finally skates on her own, presently she mostly walkes on ice, some slidings too and when she falls down then she can stand up, most important. :) .. and now i think it goes quick if we keep doing it frequently. So, from now on we can skate a bit on our own and do more tricks ;) lol

Here are the all skating videos what we have done till now :) im sure there will be soon more when she gets better; and of course some my skating and my gym training videos are in plan ;) keep the YouTube channel open :)

25Dec2012 Lexie first time on ice
10Feb2013 Lexie as 25month 3rd time on Ice
10Feb2013 - Gerbel Mikk skating 
Nov2013 Lexie, Gerbel and Guy skating
2Jan2014 Lexie skates finally

Enjoy your 2014, lots of success what ever you do and lets get the best from this year :)

Best wishes,
Gerbel :) xx


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