With Lexie in Middelheim park :)

Hey hey,

Today we went with Lexie to playground in Middelheim park. Its a fun place to go and usually it takes around 45min to get there from my home, i mean by foot. If we can then we try not to use any public transportation ;)
Anyhow it was lot of fun, she met some nice girls and boys around her age, mainly older but in size smaller ;) funny heee. She is really above average tall girl ;) lol
After playing she was knocked out and slept all road back home. Of course, when we entered the front door then she woke up and she was again full of energy, taking Stafke's sofa and Stafke was very pissed LOL

Btw, she has already 10 teeth, few days ago she got left side behind teeth (one up and one down). Hope she will sleep now better as she still doesnt sleep a night througth but as there are still 10 more teeth to go then i suppose the sleepless nights will continue.

After this sickness i try to have more rest and from next week start real training again, hope my body will work with me as i need to :)

Oke, enjoy the pics and more pictures are in Lexie's picture gallery. Ahh jaaa, in Stafke's gallery there are also few new ones ;) xx

Gerbel :)


  1. :) oi kui suured juba olete ... aga sa ikka hoia ennast, ära üle pinguta ;)

    Kallid ...

  2. Yes Teeleke.. kasvab nagu lilleõis kevadel ;) irw.. suur maragratt ;) irw.. loodan, et teil seal kõik plaanipärane tittede tulekuga?! ;) xx kallid ja musid :)


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