In Belgium and some pictures about the trip here.

Hello from sunny Belgium,

Im in Belgium already half a month and still have some things i have to do, time flies so quickly that to find time to update things in my website and write blog is so difficult. Anyhow im very happy and finally i got to manage some pictures i can put up for you to see how we traveled with Guy from Tallinn-Helsinki and then from Helsinki to Rostock and tell about this 6 hours trip with my car (little Peugeot 206) to Antwerpen ;)

Gallery you find HERE :)

Tallinn-Helsinki ship was nice, Baltic Queen, nice entertainment on the ship and this almost 4 hours trip went very nicely, nice weather as well, so it made the trip easy, most time sat on deck on the sun :)

But then we went to Helsinki-Rostock ship, Super Fast VIII and it was a challenge because there wasnt anything special, no entertainment to kill some time, so we killed time to surf online and just walking around on the deck, laying on the sun there and read a book and so on and so on ;) .. at least we were together, i cant imagine if i should have done that trip alone, boring. The trip lasted actually 26 hours i think and we didnt sleep also so much which made the car trip from Rostock to Antwerpen extremely hard.

We arrived to Rostock at midnight on 15th and we hoped that on 16th at 0600hrs we would be home. No way ;) .. I drove some time, then i just needed to have a break not to fall in sleep, so we did a first break after 2 hours driving, then Guy drove and then we both were so exhausted that we drove in to first truck parking lot and slept one hours (probably, dont know exaclty ;)).
Finally Guy wake me up, time was 4 or 5am and we continued our trip :) with lots of coffee inside ;) we reached our destination ;) ... Before Antwerpen i gave stearing over to Guy of course as he knew home way better and so finally we arrived home around 1100hrs. And then we had to take a protein shake to feel our muscles and slept till evening :)

It was a great experience to have this trip. My car, the little Peugeot, survived also nicely on highway, average speed 120-130km/h :) and of course the car was fully packed with all my stuff i needed and wanted to bring along :) so .. my little car did well :)

Ok.. have to go to gym now :) .. will tell about the gym where i go in my next blog oke :)

Take care and stay safe,

Finally at home and my engagement ring ;)


  1. Sa särad igal pildil. Nii hea on õnnelikku inimest vaadata :)

  2. :) kallimusipai ... :)
    Just alles istusin ema juures köögis ja meil oli traditsiooniline öine köögilauatagajuttuajaminejašampusejoomine :) Siis ema just ütles, et näituse avamisel ta vaatas, et oi kui toredad te koos olete! ;)
    Õnne, õnne, õnne!

  3. ead Gerbel nüüd ma natuke imestan. Oled käinud Rostockis, aga mul ei isegi maini sellest midagi et tulete. Olen ju siin linnas üle aasta elanud ja seda ka kindlasti teadsit. Vötsid ära Facebookist, isegi kirjadele ei vasta.. Ma ei tea mille pärast väärin selle kuidas minu vastu käitud praegu. Tallinnas kevadel vähemalt näitis nagu köik oleks olnud normaalne. Ma ei lihtsalt saa aru. Loodan et see pole sinu uus sulane kes proovib sind oma vana söbradest eemaldata (nuh vähemalt see oli minu arvamus et oleme söbrad), muidu on sul tösiselt vajadus mötelda.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Tere Emmi,

    Kullake, mul ei tulnud isegi pähe et Rostockis elad, ja miks kirjadele ei vasta, sest on nii kiirelt aeg läinud, enne pakkisin ja tegin viimaseid asju, et Belgiasse kolida ja nüüd siiani olen end siia kuidagi sisse seadnud.
    Rostockist sõitsime lihtsalt läbi nagu võisid aru saada!!!

    Ja ma ei ole Sind unustanud, muide.

    Päikest Sulle ja kallimale,

  6. And more to Emmi... as i had somehow two porfiles in facebook then i deletated the first one, probably thats cos you are not in my friends list anymore.. sorry about that!!


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