Hello dear friends, Life is pretty busy lately, working, training, home, Lexie. Everything takes time :) Feel all the time pretty tired because our Lexie still has trouble to sleep, wakes up several times per night, doesnt want to go to bed and cant get her up in the morning for school. Yeah, probably who has kids knowing exactly what im talking about but life is good and im happy. She is cuty ;) So the training goes nicely, heavy and good, dieting, lost already few kg's ;) Every weekend we go to skating, Lexie also gets better feeling by doing it and enjoys it more :) .. can already glide a bit and if she followes someone then its hard to stop her :) Its really fun to go to skating with her :) Here is last video from Sunday the 19 Jan 2014. She just got 12 Jan 3 years old and she is full of energy. Click here and see the video! I still cant say anything reagarding my future competitions but i keep you informed when i make my mind ;) Oke, I go to sleep, tmw is ag...