Hey hey, Its evening and i just got back from the contest (Estonian Powerlifitng Championships).. it went well. Not as good as i wished though.. but as i still made 2,5 kg more comparing last year contest then i did good :) So here are my results: Squat 125kg, Bench Press 82,5kg and deadlift 140kg. In total i got 347,5kg which gave me in my weight class, -75kg (i weighted 67,7kg), first place and overall i got second place. It was great contest even i was so nervous today after the judges didnt count my first 2 squat reps.. deem i thought and third squat i tryed to do as low as possible.. i made it ;) ... See all the results also from my website contest page . About last weekend... there was a Sport Act 2009 mess and on Sunday when i had day off from work i went to visit the mess as well. There was a small contest or better to say show where i just tryed to do bench press record as much presses as i can with 25kg barbell. I did 100 reps.. cool .. isnt it ;) What else.. tomorrow, on Sun...