
Showing posts from March, 2014

About my training :)

Hello, Just yesterday i had great workout in gym, shoulders and triceps. Usually i dont do weights on weekend but it was exception. Usually on weekend we do all other things with little Lexie and keep active, sometimes ice-skating or long walkings, playgrounds  ;) ... now the ice-skating season is over, should start rollerblading as i used to do it a lot when i lived still in Estonia. ;) Here is the shoulder workout: DB press video link in YOUTUBE :) From this week i started to bike to gym (during winter season used tram as my transport) and as i go there every week day then it counts always 1 hour bike per day, 5 times per week. Its a great cardio for me :) I know i should do more videos from my trainings and hope to do them in the future. For instance for chest training i do DB chest presses with 30kg dbs  x 20-30 reps. Have done also with 40kg dbs and that i would like to take on video for you next time :) Soon FIBO !!! In 3 weeks, 5-6 April, there is FIBO in ...