
Showing posts from December, 2010

Christmas in Ardennes :)

Hey my dear friends :) In my facebook i have already these pictures out.. notised that i should perhaps put some of them also here ;) and with little text :) On 25 Dec, free day, no work, so we thought that why not to drive to Ardennes ( little info in wikipedia ) . All Belgium was and still is under snow, what is not so common and as i come from Estonia, where the snow in winter is really very normal then i enjoyed it fully. Guy enjoyed it too, of course :) .. If here in Antwerpen the temperature was -3 C then in Ardennes there was -11C .. nice difference, ...and it is just 1 and half hour or 2 hours driving distance. We went to the highest point in Belgium, the Signaal van Botrange, 694m, ( info about it in wikipedia ) . Its a first picture here and behind me you can see stairs to make the highest point 700m ;) Cool he ;) On a way we did few nature pictures and also at the waterfalls :) What i find funny, i looked up the last winter pictures. I knew that we went also then to Ardennes...

35 weeks - few pictures ;)

Hey hey, I made before Christmas some pictures of my belly ;) ... Who have the access to my website members pages, they can see even more of them ;) under naughty pictures ;) Hope you like my belly, its not for long anymore..... few more weeks to go ;) Kisses and hugs and enjoy the end of the year, Gerbel

December Newsletter

Hey hey, Hope everybody, who had to and are in my friends list, received my December month Newsletter nr 24. If not then click on following banner: Lately i have had trouble with my website, hackers.. and also little problems with my mailbox.. So, i apologize if the website hasnt worked as well as it should. But otherwise mails are working, so feel free to use :) Enjoy the newsletter and lots of lovely Christmas and New Year wishes to you and all your loved ones!! Kisses, Gerbel :)

Music For Life: Leer Nederlands!

Hey hey :) Just wanted to share with you one song "Music For Life: Leer Nederlands! " . Here in Antwerpen will be charity event and our school (SCVO Sité Antwerpen) will also participate and collect money for orphans who lost their parents through AIDS. And for that there is one nice song what we will sing on the streets on 23 December afternoon :) Anyhow here is shortly what, who and where: Radio station Studio Brussels Music For Life organises it in cooperation with Red Cross. It will be in Groenplaats, Antwerpen from 18 till 24 December 2010. This is a 7 days radiomarathon sent out from glass house what they setting up on the Groenplaats. Info in Dutch: Voor de vijfde keer organiseert Studio Brussel Music For Life: een 7 dagen durende radiomarathon vanuit Het Glazen Huis, dat in 2010 op de Groenplaats in Antwerpen staat van 18 tot en met 24 december. Music for Life wil dit jaar het lot van weeskinderen die hun ouders hebben verloren aan aids in de kijker zett...

34 week - a bit more :)

Hey hey :) Just a quick blog before i go to bed :) Baby is fine, already 2kg and every week gains 150-200g... incredible .. :) I go to doctor once a week and this week even twice. The cat is also funny, sometimes loves to clime to my belly and stay there.. of course when Guy tryed to make picture then he runs away .. so i had to keep him on place for a second to make this picture here ;) lol Still going to school, working and doing things at home. Dont do training as i used to. Just easy little exercises and prenatal training. Eating.. healthy i guess.. veggies, meats, milk products, carbs. And the weight stays on 71kg presently. Good! :) Only thing that our scale stopped working and i cant live without it. So this weekend we have to go to shop to find a new one :) Anyhow, December month is almost in the middle and soon there will be Christmas. Before that i certainly send out this year's last newsletter. Oke.. enjoy the month and keep away from candies and cookies ;) lol ...though...